Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Birthday Parties are Fun

Last week we had a really fun gathering at our kennel.  I have not been able to stop wagging my tail in anticipation of telling everyone about it, but Mummy’s writing box came back from rehab and seemed to have forgotten how to do everything.  She says it’s really clean but had to go through some intensive retraining before it could help me write.

The gathering was to celebrate Talisker turning four human years.  It’s called a Birthday Party.  He invited lots of really cool dudes to play fetch and run races around our garden.  I’ve met some of them before.  Talisker’s BFF, Truman came along with our swimming friends, Pumbaa and Austin.  We also made some new friends, Denim, Raiden and Rusty.  They’re fish retrievers like us.  We know their humans because they have a falling over juice kennel called Testarossa that our humans like to hang out at.  I like their crackers.

Talisker insisted on inviting some girls, Baby G, Layla and Olive.  I did try to have a conversation with Olive but she was only interested on talking about lame girl stuff with Layla.  Baby G however, was particularly keen on playing fetch with us but got a little demanding when we didn’t give her the ball.  Talisker says girls can be like that.  I don’t know why he likes them but he says I’ll understand when I’m older.

I want to have a Birthday Party too, but Mummy says I have to wait until I turn one which is really unfair.  That’s a whole four months away.


Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...