Monday, November 28, 2022

Sharing Bodily Warmth

Black & Yellow Labs sitting on a bench wrapped in a blanket in front of a fire pit
It’s that time of year again when the sun makes it look warm and bright, but it goes to bed early and then it can get cold.  The kid is still too young to understand and all he does is complain.  When we went for our weekly adventure on Friday to our humans’ favorite falling over juice kennel, Testarossa, they tried everything to make him happy … comfy seats in front of the table with fire while wrapped in a blanket to share bodily warmth and treated us to human kibble and hard cow juice.  I personally was having a great time.  Who doesn’t enjoy eating hard cow juice while wrapped in a blanket in front of a table with fire?  Apparently not Arran.  All he did was whine at Daddy to take us back to our kennel when I know that all he really wanted was to interrupt my relaxation so he could go for another sniff around town.


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