Friday, June 29, 2012


We’re feeling just a little neglected.  Mummy has been too busy to give us the attention we’re used to.  It started in May.  My big brother, Bowmore told me that 10 years ago her brain fell out.  They must have managed to put it back because it seems to work pretty well now.  She likes to help other humans whose brains fell out and May is the month when she is particularly busy with that task.  I admire her for her dedication, but it’s extremely difficult to get any attention from her and dramatically reduces our neighborhood sniff time which is particularly important if we are to conduct our security duties effectively.  She also takes her writing box with her which has seriously stifled our creativity.

The neglect didn’t stop there.  As soon as she’d finished with her brain falling out stuff, the evil black boxes with wheels came out.  Tobermory hadn’t seen them before so I had to explain that their sole purpose in life is to steal our humans’ body covers and run away with them.  They are very difficult to catch and it takes a long time to bring them back to the kennel so other humans have to take care of us while ours are away.

Tobermory suggested a blocking tactic.  He seemed to think that if we spread out on the viewing platform on the stairs, the black boxes wouldn’t be able to get to the door.  I thought it worth a try, but then a nice human stopped by and offered to take us for a sniff.  Having not been able to perform this important task much for a while, we of course jumped at the opportunity.  Big mistake.  When we got back, the evil black boxes were gone and our humans had obviously chased after them.

I think I may have found a solution to this problem for the future.  We have collars that bite us when we go too far from the kennel without our humans.  If they put those collars on the black boxes, it would stop them from escaping and then our humans wouldn’t have to leave us to chase after them.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...