Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bad Tricks

Yesterday was a bad day.  I was tricked, and not just once.

First up was Mummy.  She put our walking harnesses on and let us climb into her motorized dog carrier.  We hadn’t been out yet so of course came to the natural assumption that we were going somewhere fun for a really good sniff.  She then stopped outside the kennel where we meet our doctor and took us inside and tried to get me to stand on the evil black mat with flashing numbers on it.  I don’t like that mat.  Last time we had to stand on it, Mummy cut our breakfast in half so I refused to get on it.  One of the female humans at the kennel put a particularly tasty looking snack on the mat.  Well, of course I had to go and investigate and stupidly forgot about the evil mat.  Tricked again.

The next bit was pretty good.  Our doctor gave me a big hug, tickled my tummy and gave my legs a good squeeze.  I hardly even noticed when there was a little prick in my neck.  He said that was to stop me getting sick.  Then Talisker ruined it all.  He told our doctor that I smell bad.  I was then taken to another room where pieces of me were squeezed that no self-respecting dog should have squeezed.  Talisker’s was definitely the worst trick of them all.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...