Thursday, May 30, 2013

Proof of Adoption

Mummy’s picture box got sick last week.  When we get sick, she always makes sure that we go to the best doctor available to repair us, so of course she did the same for her picture box and sent it to special doctors that only repair that breed.

Yesterday Mummy received an upsetting note from the picture box doctors telling her that they would not repair it because it has a number on it that says it was not born in this land.  She told them she has proof of adoption from here, but they said they need adoption papers from the land it came from.
Our humans have little blue books that prove they belong here.  I just checked these books carefully and am distressed to find that it is written very clearly that they were not born in this land.  As the senior dog in this kennel responsible for human care, this leaves me very concerned that if they get sick, I might have difficulty finding a human doctor to repair them.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I don’t know what’s going on but it upsets me.  Last night Daddy put some of his body covers in an evil black box with wheels.  This usually happens before we go to have a sleepover with our friend, Truman, but Mummy helped and didn’t put any of her body covers in an evil black box.  I’ve never seen this happen before.

We all went to sleep as normal, Daddy gave us breakfast this morning and then a yellow human carrier took him away.  Mummy was still under her bird fur and seemed to be completely unconcerned.   Talisker says this is normal behavior as the yellow human carrier transports Daddy to a flying metal tube that takes him to far away places to earn dog biscuits.  I don’t buy it.  I checked the dog biscuit storage and there are plenty there.  There’s something really fishy going on here.  I don’t trust Mummy and Talisker.  They have to be hiding something but all I can do for the moment is sit on the bottom step by the entrance to our kennel and hope Daddy comes back soon.  I’ll have to reevaluate the situation tomorrow.

Monday, May 13, 2013

It's All About Mummy

Humans have a lot of interesting customs, some of which I find very confusing, like the one where bunnies leave brightly colored eggs in long grass for human puppies to find.  However, there are some that are a great idea.  Yesterday was a good example.  Humans dedicated the whole day to doing nice things for their Mummies.  Tobermory and I are particularly fond of ours so we thought we should join in on this custom.
We started the day by giving Mummy a really good face clean.  Humans wriggle around when we clean their faces, so it’s best to catch them just as they are waking up so that you can trap them under the big bag full of bird fur that they sleep under.  We then took her to a human feeding station where we could sit under the table so that we could help finish the food that she and Daddy couldn’t eat.
There is one question that I have.  There are days called Dog Days.  Is that when we're supposed to get special care from our humans?

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...