Friday, August 30, 2013

Mummy turns 336

I turned 14 dog years today and Mummy turned 336 last Sunday.  She said it wasn’t important and didn’t want to celebrate, but Talisker disagreed.  Can you imagine turning 336 and thinking it’s not important?
Talisker likes to throw parties so used my Birthday as an excuse to throw a joint one for both of us, and man, did we have a lot of fun. A dozen dogs, lots of balls and 50 humans drinking falling over juice always makes for a great afternoon as they become a little careless about dropping human food and much more generous when we get to eat cake.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Dogutante

Our friend, Bailey has a new little sister, Sierra.  At the age of 13 human years, he decided it was time to choose a successor to his role as chief of security in his kennel so that he can enjoy a leisurely retirement.
I’ve been doing a little research and it appears that in certain sections of human society, the social debut of a well-bred young female human is very important.  In the South of this land, it is called “Cotillion” and in the land that our humans came from, it is termed as “The Season”.  These special female humans are called Debutantes.
As for Tobermory, myself and previous pups during their internship, Sierra has already had a chance to view the human world from the “puppoose” that all of us occupied in our early years.  She has finally had all the special juice from our Doctor that keeps her healthy, so this week she made her social out-of-bag debut when we all went to listen to howling humans.  Having only had brothers, I’m not familiar with the etiquette around introducing female dogs to society, but I guess this was Sierra’s Dogutante debut.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...