Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cow Racing

We're in Sonoma. Talisker says we're here so that our humans can test different falling over juices to see if they work, but I know why we're really here ... we're looking for cows.  This is a particularly good place to find them and right now the whole place smells of them too.  Talisker says it's because at this time of year, the sticks that grow the little round things that falling over juice is made from eat cow poo.
In a place like Sonoma where there are so many cows, humans have obviously had to look at alternative uses for them other than the traditional ones.  We passed a place called Sonoma Raceway where they obviously hold cow races.  I know this because there's a model of a racing cow attached to the sign.
I like cows and I’ve always wanted a pet one, but I now think it would be really cool to have a racing cow.  Mummy doesn’t share my enthusiasm.  Daddy says she had lots of cows when she was a puppy so it’s particularly selfish of her not to let me have just one.
Of course, visiting the Three Dog Bakery for peanut butter cookies does help to relieve all kinds of disappointment.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Last night we watched a very interesting story on the moving picture frame on the wall.  It was about 4 humans coming to this land 50 human years ago who thought they were beetles.  The only similarity I could see between them and beetles is that they had skinny black legs, but they only had 2 each.  Everyone knows that beetles have 6 legs, especially Tobermory who likes to chase them.  Real beetles are also pretty quiet, but these ones howled really loudly accompanied by lots of young female humans who howled even louder.
Two of these “Beetles” who are now really old stood on a platform to howl.  Our humans seemed to really enjoy watching them which I couldn’t understand until one started to jump around, howling that we all live in a yellow submarine.  I have to admit that watching this level of human disillusionment is pretty funny.


Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...