Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Giant Worms

Our humans just returned from a visit to the land they came from.  I always get worried when they’re out of our site.  Humans are just not good at taking care of themselves without canine help.  Since they leave their motorized dog carriers outside our kennel, I worry that they may not be able to transport themselves around and most important of all, get to the flying metal tube that brings them home to us.
I expressed this concern to Daddy on their return.  He assured me that this is not an issue as they travel under the ground in tunnels that take them straight to the flying metal tubes.  This seemed a little improbably to me, so I used my usual source for research on strange human behavior, Mummy’s writing box.
Do you know that Daddy is actually correct?  There are lots of giant worms in London where some of Mummy and Daddy’s litter mates live.  They call themselves “The Tube” and give rides to lots of humans in their worm tunnels.  I’m a little confused about how these worms survive.  Everyone knows that worms eat earth, but these worms are moving through tunnels they have already dug.  All that the humans feed them are little pieces of paper every time the worms give them a ride and I know paper has very little nutritional value.  Tobermory eats it all the time and still has room for his dinner.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...