Monday, May 11, 2015

Taking Care of Mummy

Talisker told me that yesterday was a day when we are supposed to take particularly good care of our Mummies.  I don’t think we can ever be accused of not taking good care of ours.  We help keep her warm when she’s under her bird fur, we lick the water off her legs when she comes out of the big glass washing box and when Daddy’s not in our kennel, we bark at everything that passes by, just to make sure that everyone knows that she has a diligent protection detail.

Talisker is the Head of Security around here, so if he says to give Mummy extra special treatment, that’s what we’ll do.  I did suggest that if all dogs have to do this, maybe some of our friends could join us with theirs and take them to Testarossa Winery since all our Mummies like falling over juice.  We enjoy their crackers too.

Olive said she’d bring her Mummy, along with some friends we met the night before, Chewy and Mushu.  Chewy’s relatives take care of sheep in a land with really big rabbits with enormous back legs that carry their babies around in pockets, and Mushu’s come for a place called Bean Town which seems a little strange since he says he doesn’t like beans.  They were visiting with their Mummy from San Francisco and didn’t know where to take her around here so were grateful for the invitation to join us.  Of course, when they discovered the quality of the crackers, they were even more appreciative.


Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...