Friday, June 12, 2015

The Bird that Mocks

There’s a very loud bird that starts to scream outside our kennel late at night just as we are trying to go to sleep.  Mummy says it’s mocking us.  Personally, I think it’s jealous.  After all, it’s the one outside sitting in a tree while we’re inside, curled up on our nice comfy beds.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Great Escape

Our humans have been restricting our adventures just lately.  All we do is go on a short neighborhood sniff after the sun has gone to bed.  They say it’s too hot outside which we really don’t understand because it looks fine to us from the inside.

Today a human stopped by to talk to the small creatures living under our garden about ceasing their construction of little mountains.  After he left, we went outside to inspect them and much to my delight spotted an open gate.  When your humans have been depriving you of adventures, it stands to reason that when the opportunity presents itself, it’s only reasonable to take yourself on one.  Mummy was busy with her writing box so I thought it was safe to leave her unwatched for a little while.

Tobermory almost immediately fell afoul of the number one rule of adventures; avoid distractions.  He found a ball and was so enthralled by it that he didn’t notice the group of human puppies approaching who suspected that he was on an unauthorized adventure so took him straight back to our kennel.  He of course refuses to return the ball.  He says that since he found it, it’s his.

I kept my focus and continued on my mission.  I was beginning to get lost so stopped to ask some friendly looking female human puppies for directions.  Despite my protestations, one insisted on using her talking box to call the number on my tag.  I wanted to continue on my adventure, but they tricked me with cuddles and treats until Mummy arrived in her motorized dog carrier.

Although it pains me to say it, I think our humans may have been correct in restricting our adventures.  I was starting to get really quite hot and thirsty and have to admit to being more than a little grateful for the ride home.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...