Thursday, December 31, 2015


Another Holiday Season over.  I’ve been caring for humans for 7 years and I still can’t work out where the “Holiday” aspect comes in.  The whole thing seems to be hard work for both humans and their security detail.

The Season starts with Thanksgiving.  We spent it with members of Mummy’s pack at her cousin’s kennel.  It’s near where we live at the top of a big hill with no fences around it.  You may think this sounds like fun, but with a large gathering of humans in one place, there are serious security aspects to be considered.  Axl and Izzy who are in charge of security at the property seemed to be unconcerned, but the other three of us felt that extra vigilance was necessary to ensure the safety of our humans.  Luckily the kennel has a special security detail entrance, so we could go out through it, do a quick circuit of the perimeter, back in and check that nothing threatening had snuck in while we were out, quick check of the inside and then back out to check the perimeter again …..  The humans just made human kibble while drinking falling over juice, oblivious of all the hard work we were putting in.

Don’t think this went unrewarded.  After a couple of hours of patrolling, Axl and Izzy’s Daddy took a very large chicken out of a big green egg that lives outside their kennel.  There was lots of big chicken juice that he put in bowls for us along with all the bits that the humans don’t like to eat.  Personally I think this is a mistake on their part because they’re the tastiest parts.

The following month has been a haze of watching humans overeat.  Christmas Eve was particularly stressful.  A large number of humans stopped by our kennel to eat large cheeses with blue lines in them and eat little pies filled with fruit while they drank hot falling over juice.  It’s necessary to count every human in and count them out to check none have gone missing and then of course, they’re really messy and drop food all the time so we have to clear up after them.

I’m done.  Just let me sleep for a couple of weeks.  The humans can clean their own plates up for a while.


Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...