Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Squirrels can't be trusted

I am very concerned about the judgement of some humans in this land.

Every four years, powerful humans hold a big competition to see who will get to be the big pack leader.  This time, a giant squirrel who calls himself “Trump” appears to have managed to get into the race, very poorly disguised as a human.  You just have to look at the top of his tail over his head to see that he is obviously hiding the rest of it inside his body covers.  I am amazed how many humans have been completely fooled by this disguise.

All dogs know that squirrels can’t be trusted and have to be chased away at every opportunity but no-one has stepped up to chase this one away yet.  I think the problem is that he’s a really big squirrel so it needs a really big dog.  When we go for our evening sniffs around town, we often meet a Newfoundland.  He’s a really big dog.  Tobermory feels a little intimidated by him, but he and I get along just fine.  Next time I run into him, I think I’ll ask if he can help with this troublesome squirrel problem.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...