Saturday, July 2, 2016

We are not Pokemon

Our access to Mummy’s writing box has been extremely limited for a while.  She’s been working very hard earning the green stuff that buys dog biscuits and keeps taking it with her when she leaves the kennel.  We’ve pointed out that there are humans who take our views on life very seriously and have been complaining about not hearing about them for a while.  She has at last heard our nagging and has promised to give us more writing box time.

We haven’t been on many adventures lately, but last weekend we went on one that turned a little more adventurous than intended.

We went to Sonoma which we always enjoy.  The smells are outstanding.  We usually sleep at the Sonoma Valley Inn which is a special kennel for travelling humans with particularly comfy beds that is very accommodating to their security detail.

One of the best things about the square in Sonoma is that lots of our humans’ favorite falling over juice makers like Roger Roessler have tasting kennels that we can wander to.  They also have a very good line in water for us to try.  We usually have a lot of fun on our wanders but this time was a little different.  A motorized dog carrier knocked us over along with Daddy on the bit of road with lines where humans walk across.  We all had to go to see doctors to take pictures of our insides to check we were OK.

I’m not quite sure what really happened, but I have done a little research.  There are some strange creatures scattered around the place that humans are trying to catch called Pokemon.  There is one that kind of looks like it could be a Labrador like us so maybe the human driving thought we were Pokemon, but I really can’t work out how they could have mistaken Daddy for one.  They also obviously didn’t know the rules.  Pokemon can only be caught by throwing little red and white balls at them.

All of you Pokemon catchers out there, please note that Labradors are not Pokemon, and even if you mistake them for one, if you’ve run out of little red and white balls, running them over with your motorized dog carrier doesn’t count.


Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...