Thursday, August 11, 2016

Double Dating

Every Wednesday evening at the time of year when the sun stays awake for a long time, we go to a human gathering in a field in the middle of town to listen to howling humans.   Quite a few attending this gathering understand that being safe is important so they bring their security detail with them.

My girlfriend, Sierra just got a new little sister, Ruby Sky.  One of her parents is a Labrador, a fish retriever like us and the other is a Husky so is related to a long line of dogs, dedicated to pulling non-motorized human carriers in places covered with lots of cold, white, fluffy stuff.  Now, Sierra may be a Californian free spirit, but she understands the importance of finding the correct place to introduce a new pup to society, and Wednesday night howling humans is definitely one of the best venues.

Tobermory is really quite taken with Ruby Sky.  I guess it must be those blue eyes.  I told him he’s being a cradle robber, but I guess if I can have a girlfriend four years my junior, so can he.  I think that there may be some double dating in our future.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...