Sunday, November 6, 2016

Going to the Dogs

There’s a big competition going on right now between humans to decide who is going to move into a big white kennel and be the next leader of this land.  It goes on all year and starts with lots of them who get eliminated along the way.  Now there are just two battling it out.

I’ve been trying to work out how the competition works and from what I can tell, the competitors see how many bad things they can find to say about the others and the winner is the one who can invent the most believable bad things.  I think a new level has now been added.  Our humans had some friends over to share falling over juice with them and I overheard them saying the competition has gone to the dogs. Lots of humans living in the big white kennel have had canine advisers so it makes sense that the dogs' opinion should be taken into account.  The current residents didn’t have any when they moved in, but quickly realized their importance and picked wisely.  The first to join them was Bo who was soon after joined by Sonny.  They’re Portuguese so obviously are particularly useful when it comes advice on foreign affairs.

Now, if this competition really has gone to the dogs, why have we not heard from the human finalists' canine advisers? If they don’t have any, they need to get some.  They are bound to talk more sense.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...