Sunday, July 29, 2018

I'm from Microsoft and I'm here to "help" - hmm, not so much

Just when Mummy had promised us that we could use her writing box regularly to resume our writing career, it got sick.  We have very good doctors who always make us feel better but writing boxes don’t seem to have that luxury.  I was listening while she spoke with a writing box doctor at a place called Microsoft.  He said his name was Phil.

Phil told Mummy he could make the writing box better, but he would need access to his brain.  Mummy sat and drank her brown breakfast liquid with frothy cow juice while we watched the little pointy triangle move around the screen and lots of boxes open and close.  One was black with lots of white letters and symbols in it.  Mummy got worried.  She hoped Phil knew what he was doing, because he was really diving deep into the little guy’s brain.

Suddenly all the boxes closed, and Phil told Mummy the writing box was all better again.  Well, that didn’t last long.  He started getting sicker and within a day, he couldn’t help any of us write anymore.  Mummy decided that it was time for her to take over his care and nurse him back to health.  The surgery and recovery took Mummy almost two weeks, she growled a lot and used a lot of very bad words.  She’s very attached to her writing box and this was obviously very emotionally distressing for her.

I’m pleased to report that the writing box now has a clean bill of health, so our writing can now resume.  Needless to say, Mummy says she will not be using the worthless “help” of F*!?%&G Microsoft anytime soon.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...