Monday, August 6, 2018

Bad Twitter

Twitter froze my account and they froze Mummy’s too.  Mummy doesn’t tweet, and I have never said anything bad about anyone in my tweets, unlike that human with the bad head fur who lives in a big white house in Washington.  The excuse Twitter used was that I’m too young to tweet.  Really?  In dog years I’m the same age as the guy with the bad head fur and I’ve been tweeting for a while with no objections from Twitter. What’s the deal with freezing me out now?  Neither Mummy nor I follow the bad fur guy, but we constantly get notifications when he tweets insults about other humans.   In fact, we're more than a little annoyed that despite our accounts being suspended, we still get emails saying he’s tweeted, but we can’t look at the tweets because our accounts are suspended!  Twitter – get your priorities straight.   Block accounts that deserve to be blocked.
Being entrepreneurial, I see an opportunity here.  I’m talking to some of Daddy’s venture capital friends about starting a non doggist platform like Twitter called Barker.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...