Saturday, May 16, 2020

Badly behaved humans

I’m getting very concerned that there may be a human biting epidemic.  When I take our humans out for our evening neighborhood sniff we see lots of humans wearing muzzles. Mine have started dragging me out into the middle of the road to avoid them which only shows that they must be scared of them.  Occasionally they let me exchange a few words with their canine heads of security but we have to do it at the very end of our leashes.

Even more confusing is that lots of my humans’ friends used to congregate at our kennel at the weekend and drink falling over juice.  Now, they just talk to the neighbors standing at the front of their own kennels with their own falling over juice and they are not allowed inside our kennel.  I have only seen this happen with my friends when one of them has a “marking” issue.  Have humans started marking too?

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...