Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This weekend I went to play fetch with Truman.  He’s my BFF.  He lives in a kennel near ours which is really very convenient as I get to exercise my humans taking them there.  Luckily his and mine seem to get on pretty well.  They all seem to like sitting around drinking falling over juice together and there are always younger humans there to throw balls for us.  I am pleased to say that I have finally returned to my peak condition after my leg repair so can now play fetch competitively again.

It’s always amusing to watch Truman’s tactics.  He’s a bit of a comedian and likes to tease humans by dropping the ball at their feet and then grabbing it again before they get a chance to pick it up.  They find this really annoying which is hilarious to watch.

It would appear that young humans also use the expression “BFF” but I really think they don’t understand what they are talking about.  After all, everyone knows that BFF stands for Best Fetching Friend and humans are really not good at playing fetch.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Security Threats

There is a weak point in the security shield of our kennel that the humans seem to be completely oblivious of, and that is the moving picture frame on the wall.  They just sit there quietly watching it while creatures that do not belong with us flaunt their ability to get into our kennel without permission.  I watch really carefully and try my hardest to scare the bad ones off.  The worst is the little green dude who blatantly tries to sell insurance to our humans while they are caught off guard eating their dinner.  I can't believe his audacity.  He just can’t leave us alone.  We have stayed in kennels far away from home with moving picture frames on the wall and that annoying little green guy still finds us there.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Human puppies are fun in water

I learnt something new this weekend.  Humans can swim.  We went to visit Bowmore’s old friend Levi.  He used to live in a kennel next to ours but his Daddy wants to grow bunches of the little round things that humans use to make falling over juice, so they moved to a place where the kennels aren’t so close to each other.  Levi’s new kennel has a hole in the ground with water but he told me that since he acquired it later in life he has little interest in learning a new sport.  However, it would appear that his human puppy is really quite agile in water which I find very impressive since she doesn’t have webbed paws like me.  Not only does she swim, but she throws balls in the water and also likes to dive in after them.  I had always assumed that holes in the ground with water were purely for our benefit but am delighted to know that I can have fun with human puppies in them too.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Counting Humans

Last night lots of humans came to socialize with ours.  Humans get lost easily so it’s very important to count each one in and check the same number leave just in case any of them need to be rescued from a corner of the kennel that they can’t find their way out of.  Bowmore has always been in charge of this duty and took it very seriously.  He would observe the humans as they arrived, patrol the gathering area to check they were all where they should be and then monitor their departure.  Of course, as he got older he didn’t quite have the stamina to stay up late so liked to bark loudly at them as soon as they had finished feeding to make sure they left so he could go to bed.

Now that I have had to add human counting to my duties, I have decided to apply a more modern approach to this job.  I see myself as more of an ambassador to our kennel.  Last night was the first time that I have had the opportunity to really put this new approach into practice.  I put my best scarf on and greeted each human enthusiastically and showed them one of my toys to put them at ease, then guided them to the main human gathering area.  I spent the rest of the evening schmoozing and checking they were enjoying the food which of course led them to give me samples so that I could offer my opinion.  At the end of the evening, I helped escort them to the kennel exit and checked that they all got into their motorized dog carriers so that I was really sure they were truly off the premises.

As a first cut, I think this new approach worked pretty well.  The humans all seemed to enjoy themselves and I don’t think realized that they were being monitored, but man, was it exhausting.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bears Eat Free

A few dog years ago when it was cold outside, my brother and I would go quite often with our humans to stay in a kennel surrounded by white slippy stuff.  They like to strap boards on their feet and slide down hills covered in it.

One evening we went out with Daddy for our evening sniff and saw a big black guy called Mr Bear.  We’ve always been taught that it’s polite to introduce yourself to strangers, but Daddy wouldn’t let us.  He told us that the Bear family are not well brought up and are people we really don’t want to mix with.

On further investigation, it would appear that the Bears like to help themselves to human food and have little regard for their property while they are doing so which is the height of bad manners.  They obviously don't have a Mummy like mine.  I tried taking human food a few times, but she’s really scary when she catches me and she always catches me.

Now, I can understand that humans want to protect their property, but I don’t think it’s good for business for human feeding stations to offer to feed Bear’s for free.  I mean, would you really want to eat in a place sitting next to a load of big hairy ill-mannered guys with long claws?

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...