Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This weekend I went to play fetch with Truman.  He’s my BFF.  He lives in a kennel near ours which is really very convenient as I get to exercise my humans taking them there.  Luckily his and mine seem to get on pretty well.  They all seem to like sitting around drinking falling over juice together and there are always younger humans there to throw balls for us.  I am pleased to say that I have finally returned to my peak condition after my leg repair so can now play fetch competitively again.

It’s always amusing to watch Truman’s tactics.  He’s a bit of a comedian and likes to tease humans by dropping the ball at their feet and then grabbing it again before they get a chance to pick it up.  They find this really annoying which is hilarious to watch.

It would appear that young humans also use the expression “BFF” but I really think they don’t understand what they are talking about.  After all, everyone knows that BFF stands for Best Fetching Friend and humans are really not good at playing fetch.

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