Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Trust the Tree

Talisker says it’s traditional for the new boy to write at Christmas as he has extra security tasks so needs more nap time in front of the hole in the wall with fire.  I have been really excited to tell everyone about all the cool stuff that has been going on in our kennel but Talisker said that I first had to learn to get rid of the wiggly red lines under some of the words.  I think they’re funny but Talisker said they scare humans so he taught me how to use something called spell check to frighten them away.

A big tree is hanging out in our kennel.  Talisker says it comes every year when it’s cold outside and we have big thick coats.  Our tree is domestic but Bowmore told him that in the olden days our humans used to wear big paw covers made of cow skin to coax a wild one inside because they bite.  Mummy obviously doesn’t even trust the domestic tree because she’s put it in a cage.  I think she needs to learn to be a little more trusting.  It’s really a very kind tree.  Two days ago it gave me an elk horn and fluffy lizard that makes cool squeaky noises when I bite it.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Increased Security Detail

Now that Tobermory has had almost all his juice to stop him getting sick, he gets to join our humans and me on some puppy sized adventures.  He doesn’t seem to fully appreciate the educational benefit of these trips as all he does is fall asleep.  Mummy says he can’t help it as growing is pretty tiring stuff.  I’m used to keeping a watchful eye on our humans but the little guy is way too trusting.  He just goes to sleep wherever tiredness strikes him and doesn’t seem to understand that there’s dangerous stuff out there for a pup who doesn’t keep his wits about him.  I thought he was supposed to help me out but it would now appear that I have to add Tobermory to my usual protection detail.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Floor Ticklers

Our humans are very messy and don’t seem to be good at clearing up after themselves so every week a nice human comes to clean the inside of our kennel.  She also tickles the floors with sticks with long pieces of fur on their ends.  The discarded pieces of our coats are very frightened of them so huddle together in little piles.  Tobermory is very curious to know what makes these sticks so frightening so thought he might dismantle a small one to see if he could find the answer.  It would appear that humans guard the secret of the frightening sticks very carefully because they very quickly took it away from Tobermory and gave him a Nylabone instead, like that that was going to defer his curiosity.  Everyone knows that Nylabones are the least threatening object ever.  All they do is lie around waiting to be chewed.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...