Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Job Sharing

As you all know, a very important part of my job as Head of Security is to continually broaden my base of knowledge of human behavior.

I recently learnt about a new habit that some humans like to participate in called “job sharing”.  Two humans will do the same job that one could, one working hard but for half the day and another working hard for the other half of the day.  This is supposed to make their lives easier but I think they’ve got it all wrong.

Tobermory and I have been job sharing for some time.  We both hold the sofa down whilst each monitoring separate entrances to the kennel.  It would be possible for one of us to hold down the sofa and monitor both entrances at the same time and swap places in the middle of the day, but the working part of the day would be far more stressful and very lonely.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Truman's Ball Room

We went to play fetch with our BFF (Best Fetching Friend), Truman this weekend.  His humans have removed all the insides from their cooking room and made it bigger.  His Daddy calls it “The Ball Room”.  Truman says they did it especially for him so that he can play fetch after the sun has gone to bed.
While we were playing, some humans were playing their own game of fetch on the moving picture on the wall.  49 of them came from our area.  They’re usually pretty good at the game, but didn’t win this time.  I think it’s because they don’t have a ball room like Truman so that they can continue to perfect their art when it's too dark to do it outside.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Spare the Hair

It's important to follow the lessons learnt from your mentors, and Bowmore taught me the importance of spending time researching humans and their habitats to help us perform our security duties to the fullest extent.  In my studies, it has become apparent that most of their kennels have holes in the wall with fire.
In the kennel that Tobermory and I grew up in, our humans would press a button and the fire would start immediately.  The one in our new kennel seems to be far more demanding.  It refuses to do its job until they feed it bits of dead tree, and even then it takes its time to wake up and seems to demand constant feeding to continue to work.  In my opinion it’s pretty high maintenance, but I have to admit that it does an extremely good job of warming my fur.
Our humans appear to be quite happy dealing with this hole in the wall with fire’s demands, but I find its work ethic a little questionable.   We seem to have a lot of days, today being one of them, when our humans don’t even try to wake it up.  Mummy says it’s because it’s a “Spare the Hair” day.  I don’t know whose hair it thinks it saving, but my hair is being deprived by not being kept warm.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...