Thursday, April 9, 2015

Iced Wings

I have a sore “wing”.  Every evening while I hold the sofa down, Daddy wraps two big bags of ice in the bits of cloth that the humans use to take water off plates.  He puts one behind his back and Mummy loops the other around my “wing”.   It feels really good and a lot of the hurty stuff goes away which means I have way more fun when I go out for our daily sniff.
This wing icing feels so good that I thought I should check on Mummy’s writing box to see if anyone else knows about this.  My research found that flying metal tubes get their wings iced too, only they don’t like it much and refuse to fly until all the ice is gone.  I think the problem is that the ice is put directly onto their wings.  I wouldn’t like that much either.  If the humans taking care of the flying metal tubes wrapped the ice up in bits of cloth, not only would the flying metal tubes like it, but they might be able to fly better too.

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