Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Introducing Arran

I have a new little brother, his name is Arran.  He came to our kennel almost 2 weeks ago and I wanted to introduce him earlier but he just moves around the whole time, so Mummy couldn’t use her picture box to get a good shot of him.  However, I have discovered that he is very interested in politics.

Our humans were watching a very important argument between the current pack leader and the human who is challenging him, and Arran and I were watching it so intently that Mummy managed to capture a picture. However, the guy with the orange fur who is our current pack leader was continuously interrupting and Arran as a young impressionable pup was really confused why that is fair.  

The pack leader’s fur color is very similar to mine (though Arran thinks mine is much more handsome) and Arran made the comment that although he has limited human experience at 10 weeks, he has never seen another human with that color fur and that maybe that is the right fur color for pack leaders.

Perhaps I should offer myself for future pack leader contests.  My platform would be free kibble for all, with Milk Bones for dessert, and I think that could secure me a win.


Friday, September 11, 2020

 All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey …

I found this line on the writing box.  It’s from a howling human performance from a group called the Mama’s & the Papa’s.  I thought this particularly apt because my “Mama” is complaining about all her beloved green things going into hibernation.  The sun obviously is not feeling well because it hasn’t come out for days.  And the sky isn’t grey … it’s kind of orange and the motorized dog carriers are covered in grey stuff.  Daddy and I are sneezing the whole time and I really don’t like this.  It’s very confusing. Daddy says that this is God celebrating the Giants who play a strange version of fetch winning 23-5, so everything is painted yellow.  I don’t buy it.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...