Sunday, September 18, 2022

Neighborhood Sniffs on Rain Hold

Rain doppler of San Jose Area

There’s lots of water falling out of the sky today.  Our humans are really happy.  They say we really need it, but here’s the bit I don’t understand.  If they’re really happy about the water, you’d think they would be outside enjoying it, but instead they are sitting inside looking at colored blobs on their writing boxes and told us that our daily neighborhood sniff is on "rain hold".


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Orphaned Royal Canine Security Experts

Last week the top human from the land that mine came from, went to join past members of her canine security detail in the place where they have been taking care of her human mate.  I am sure they were all very excited to see her, but I worry about the orphaned security detail she left behind.  They have been particularly vigilant in their duties, admittedly being handsomely rewarded for their hard work with adventures all over this planet, lots of cuddles from a wide section of society and gourmet treats.

I have been reading on the writing box how much humans will miss this special female, but there is not enough written on the heartbreak of her canine companions.  I know how important it is to be cuddled by your Mummy every morning when you wake up and get ear scritches and give kisses at regular intervals during the day.  These orphaned Royal canine security experts will miss their Mummy more than any human can understand.


Monday, September 5, 2022

Dog Days ... really?

Arran & Tobermory holding down sofa

Last night when we were watching the moving picture frame on the wall, I heard the human who predicts what the sun is going to do describe the weather right now as dog days.  He went on to say that 110°F was no temperature to let dogs go outside in.  I’m confused.  In my mind, holding down the sofa all day while the humans play with their writing boxes in dark rooms with the shades closed, not being allowed to play outside and not going out for our daily neighborhood sniff until the sun has gone to bed after the humans’ feeding time does not have the makings of a good dog day.


Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...