Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blending in with your surroundings

It’s always good to hear news of old friends and I am pleased that our humans went to visit a really cute little female called Annie at the end of their adventure.  I remember with nostalgia the last time she came to visit with her humans in their big motorized kennel.  It was just after my older brother, Cider had left us and I was feeling a little lonely so it was good to have the company of her and her sister, Ebony.  My legs worked a little better then so we went for a run at the edge of the big lake called the Pacific Ocean.

I was very sorry to hear that Ebony had to leave Annie to go and keep Cider company, but she has a new sister now called Ali.  She's a Tibetan Terrier and her ancestors were the sacred caretakers of humans in a far away land who wrap red sheets around their bodies, so she's a little wary of humans who wear trousers.

I have great admiration for Annie’s sofa restraining technique.  She sneaks up on them and then blends in with her surroundings so they don’t know they are being restrained until it’s too late.  I hope she is finding teaching her special talent to Ali as rewarding as I have in imparting my knowledge of the care of humans to Talisker.

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