Friday, September 17, 2010

The Wedding Guest

You may remember that in April I wrote about my concern for Mr Bear’s white relatives so you can imagine my surprise when a picture of one of them came out of Mummy’s picture box.

Whilst on their recent adventure, our humans went to a wedding in a place right at the top of this country where not many of them live.  Weddings are a human ritual where they put metal bands on their fingers to show that they are not a stray and shouldn’t be put up for adoption, similar to when they put a collar around our necks.  They make quite a fuss of it and all their friends and pack members come to watch.  I can only assume that Mr Bear’s relative, who I have learnt is called Icabod, must have been a guest too.  I suppose I shouldn’t have been too surprised at this since the wedding was closer to the land he comes from than where Mr Bear lives.

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