Monday, May 23, 2011

The End of the World

Apparently, according to a human almost as old as me, the world was supposed to end on Saturday around dinner time.  Nothing happened, but now the old human says we’ve had a reprieve until October 21st.  Daddy’s really upset about this because his birthday is at the end of October and all his pack and a lot of his friends are hoping to come to our kennel to celebrate.  I think I need to find out who is responsible for this world ending stuff so I can appeal to their better nature.  I don’t think it is too unreasonable to ask them to delay it a couple of weeks so that Daddy can enjoy his party.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In my long life I have developed a lot of very strongly held opinions on a variety of topics and feel that it is my duty to make sure that everybody hears them.  To do this I yelp. Yelping is something that all dogs know how to do but some of us are a little more practiced at it than others.  The trick to a good yelp is to start imparting your views to the targeted human in a quiet and calm manner.  Humans can be very thick skinned so if you get no reaction from the human, you need to ramp your efforts up until they finally start paying attention and that I have turned into an art form.

You can imagine my amazement when I learnt that Mummy has started to use her writing box to yelp.  Have you ever heard one try?  They just don’t have the vocal chords or the technique for the job.  If writing boxes think they can take over from dogs, they have a lot to learn.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Commando Dog to the Rescue

When Mummy is outside removing plants that are trying to live in our garden without her permission, I sometimes take the opportunity to use her writing box to catch up with current affairs which is very important when you are head of security.

This week I learnt that one of our cousins helped a group of seals catch a really bad human in a far away land.  It took the seals a long time to find him which doesn’t really surprise me.  I mean, just look at them.  They may be pretty agile in water but why would you send a bunch of fat dudes with flippers to do a job that needs agility and speed on dry land.  No wonder they had to call in canine support.  If a whole unit of commando dogs had been sent in at the beginning, the bad human would have been caught a long time ago.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...