Sunday, May 8, 2011

Commando Dog to the Rescue

When Mummy is outside removing plants that are trying to live in our garden without her permission, I sometimes take the opportunity to use her writing box to catch up with current affairs which is very important when you are head of security.

This week I learnt that one of our cousins helped a group of seals catch a really bad human in a far away land.  It took the seals a long time to find him which doesn’t really surprise me.  I mean, just look at them.  They may be pretty agile in water but why would you send a bunch of fat dudes with flippers to do a job that needs agility and speed on dry land.  No wonder they had to call in canine support.  If a whole unit of commando dogs had been sent in at the beginning, the bad human would have been caught a long time ago.

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