Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Becoming my own dog

A little over a week ago, my big brother, Bowmore left our kennel.  Mummy explained to me that he had taught me all I need to know to protect and care for humans so it was time for him to go and keep his older brother, Cider company.  I’ve been keeping watch at the top of the stairs just in case he changes his mind, but after hearing that the place they are at has really slow, fat rabbits and lots of gourmet bread, I’m beginning to think he won’t be returning.

Now it’s time for me to become my own dog.  I have extra responsibility on my shoulders and no big brother to run to for advice.  I just hope that I can do as good a job as Bowmore did for nearly 14 human years.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Energizer Bunny's batteries finally ran out

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to tell all of you that this morning we said goodbye to Bowmore to let him join his older brother, Cider.

In Bowmore’s younger days he was an obsessive frisbee catcher and would keep running until his feet bled if we didn’t stop him.  A few years ago we gave him the nickname “The Energizer Bunny” because he suffered so many major medical issues that for any other dog it would have been difficult to get through, but he just bounced back every time with the same enthusiastic energy that he had all his life.

Over the past few weeks, our beautiful boy had been having some little strokes but every time we thought we were losing him he would greet us the following morning with his persistent raspy bark, devour his breakfast with gusto and then rush out into the garden like nothing had happened.   Unfortunately, this time he just couldn’t fight through it again.  The batteries finally ran out.

Talisker wishes to continue Bowmore's work of documenting his adventures and observations of human behavior very soon, but for the moment needs to take a little time to come to terms with life without his brother to help him out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Motorized Dog Carrier's Carrier

Did you know that motorized dog carriers have their own carriers?  They only need them when they’re very ill and can’t get themselves to the motorized dog carrier doctor.  Mummy’s was quite sickly when it was very young and had to take several rides on one.

Daddy’s motorized dog carrier has always been healthy and has regular medical check-ups so you can understand my surprise when it was supposed to be carrying us down town for our evening sniff recently and just a few blocks from our kennel made a big cough and refused go any further.  It couldn’t even get back to our kennel to wait for a carrier so we had to walk home which I find really quite distressing.  It’s never made us walk home before.  Daddy appears to be totally unsympathetic.  He says he chose it to carry us because it’s supposed to be a particularly strong breed and is far too young to be so sick.  I hope he’s kinder about me behind my back when I have to visit my doctors.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...