Wednesday, September 5, 2012


My litter mate, Kihei and I turned one last week so this weekend Talisker and our humans threw a big party for us.  There were 4 other fish retrievers, 2 little kids called Apollo and Jake and a couple of older local girls, Ginger and her sister, who Talisker has had his eye on for a while.  Truman joined us to help teach the little guys correct fetch etiquette, and then there were three smaller dogs, but they were more interested in sitting on top of their humans.  They were obviously concerned they might escape.

The best bit was that Mummy made us cake.  They were special dog cakes with good stuff in them like carrots and sticky stuff that bees make. Talisker ate a lot and did all sorts of things that he doesn’t usually do, like humans when they drink too much falling over juice.

Sometimes, the day after our humans have their friends over to our kennel to drink falling over juice, ours complain about having something they call a “hangover.”  They’re kind of sluggish, we have difficulty getting them off their bed, Daddy lies on the sofa watching humans on the moving picture frame hit little white balls with long sticks and as for throwing balls for us to play fetch, well forget about that.

I think the cake must have given Talisker a hangover because he was really sluggish the next day.  I have to admit to feeling a little low on energy myself.


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