Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Help us Help Mummy

10 years ago, long before I was born my older brother, Bowmore told me about when Mummy’s brain fell out.  This is a condition that humans call Stroke.

Our humans went out one day on San Francisco Bay to play chase in floating human carriers, but Daddy came back without Mummy.  A lot of humans don’t know this, but we sense what humans are thinking and he was obviously very unhappy.  Daddy is bad about never putting Mummy on a leash so Bowmore thought she must have got lost somewhere as he went out every day for a long time, Bowmore assumed to search for her.

Mummy wasn’t lost.  She was at a special kennel that helps humans get their brains to climb back in their heads so that it can tell their bodies what to do again.  Brains get forgetful when they fall out so when Mummy came home, it was still learning how to tell her body what to do.  Daddy had to move her around in a chair with wheels for a long time.

Mummy is lucky that her brain works much better now, but it took a lot of hard work for her to retrain it.  When it fell out, not many humans understood what was happening.  Mummy therefore likes to support those who teach others about this subject and help humans who are Stroke victims learn how to retrain their brains.  To do this, it takes a lot of the same green paper that Mummy exchanges for dog biscuits.

In a little over 2 weeks on September 16th, other humans are going to give Mummy green paper to run and walk 5K to help Peninsula Stroke Association.  Tobermory and I have decided to help out too so we are going to join her and take Daddy along for some exercise, but we need green paper to be able to participate.  We would be grateful for any support you can give us to help Mummy.  We have of course entered under the team name of Whisky Dogs at

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