Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kids will be Kids

It’s always fun to go somewhere new with our humans.  Last weekend we went to Cambria which is a very long way away.  Our humans wanted to take the motorized dog carrier with no roof.  I like riding in it on short adventures when you can put your nose in the air and enjoy all the wonderful smells but for long trips it’s a little cramped, not aided by Tobermory constantly wriggling, trying to stand on his head and whining “are we there yet”.

Thankfully, Mummy needs regular feeding so we stopped half way at a place called Fernwood Resort to stretch our legs and do a bit of sniffing.  It's pretty cool.  There are lots of really tall trees which humans like to sleep under in little fabric kennels.  There's a human feeding station that served our humans a bread Frisbee with cheese and chicken on it which they seemed to be particularly happy with.  We did try a little and I have to admit, it was pretty tasty.

Usually when we go on adventures, we stay in big kennels for displaced humans and have to keep them on leashes when we leave our room.   This was different.  The kennel was smaller but we weren’t confined to our room and our humans didn’t have their food brought to them on tables with wheels.  They cooked pieces of cow on a box with fire and squashed potatoes in a big pot.  We of course helped to clear up.
The best part was that our friend Truman and his humans were there too.  He brought his cousins, Gucci and Zoe.  They’re really small and come from a land where humans wear big round hats and eat food with lots of beans in it.  Security isn’t their big thing, but they are very good at sitting on humans to hold them down.

Of course, when you get a couple of kids like Tobermory and Truman together who insist on playing extreme wrestling, there’s always some kind of damage.  Usually, something in one our kennels is the casualty, but this time it was one of Truman’s teeth.  I told them that if they kept head butting each other with full force there would be tears.  Maybe they’ll listen to a little adult wisdom next time.

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