Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Super Ball

Last weekend we watched humans play fetch on the moving picture frame on the wall.  Talisker was being very scathing about their inability to follow the correct rules of the game.  I personally think the rules are open to interpretation and these humans seemed to pretty much follow my thinking on the subject.
The whole purpose of playing fetch is to fetch the ball.  If someone else gets the ball first it’s obvious to me that the only sensible course of action is to jump on top of them and grab it.  I use this method of ball retrieval regularly and seeing all those big humans do the same, confirmed to me that despite what Talisker thinks, this is a perfectly legitimate tactic.  It makes fetch far more exciting which is why this version of the game is called “Super Ball.” 

There is however one thing that surprises me.  It’s my understanding that there are supposed to be 49 humans in the pack that wear red and gold body covers, but I could only count 11.  If the other 38 had turned up to jump on the black and white ones, they would have had a much better chance of winning.

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