Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cover Dog Aspirations

Tobermory is aspiring to be a Cover Dog.  In my observations of humans I have noticed that exceptional examples of the species get their picture on the big floppy books that live in the mail box.  I know Tobermory is a handsome kid, but until I learnt what he was really up to I thought he had some serious delusions of grandeur.
Mummy spends a lot of time working with the Pacific Stroke Association helping humans recovering from their brains falling out like hers did.  Tobermory has been observing this and decided that he needs to do something to help sick dogs.
Our beds come from a floppy book called Orvis which holds competitions for dogs to be their Cover Dog.  Humans vote on which dog they think is the cutest, but in order to vote, they have to give a little of the green stuff that buys dog biscuits to help canine cancer research and the Morris Animal Foundation.
I know that Tobermory can be a little trying to live with sometimes, but this time I am very proud of the kid.  He spent a considerable amount of time searching through all the pictures that Mummy takes with her picture box and found one that she calls "Never let go of the things you love."  He thinks it best shows off his good side and of course includes his favorite bone.  I have to admit that it is a pretty good bone.  I try to sneak it away from him when he's not watching which has become particularly difficult since he started sleeping with it in his mouth.
Please follow this link, and help Tobermory achieve his goal of becoming an Orvis Cover Dog to help sick dogs.

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