Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Extravagant Gifts

For some time, Truman’s humans have been replacing lots of the old pieces of their kennel with new and improved ones.  He’s been making himself useful, helping the humans doing the replacing while his have been out earning dog biscuits to pay them however, last week his offers of help were shunned.  Not even his humans were allowed to stay at their kennel so they all slept in ours.
Every day we go for a neighborhood sniff with our humans to keep them exercised.  As hospitable hosts, we of course invited Truman to join us.  He’s been working very hard as a human feeding bowl pre-washer and expressed interest in finding a gift for his humans while we were out.  He believed that he had earned enough dog biscuits to find something nice and shiny and new for them and wanted us to help him find something suitable.
We sniffed our way past lots of kennels offering shiny new things but none of them caught Truman’s eye until we came to a big sign with “Bentley” written on it.  There were lots of really shiny motorized dog carriers behind it and he decided that this was what he wanted to get for his humans.
Now, I don’t know what Truman has been sniffing, but whatever is in the new pieces of his kennel have seriously affected his grasp on reality.  Have you seen the sticker price of all those motorized dog carriers behind the Bentley sign?  He’s going to have to lick a lot more human feeding bowls before he can even buy a picture of the little wings on the front of one of those things.

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