Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Talisker Turns 5

Talisker turned 5 human years last week.  This is a big deal for a dog.  Mummy’s parents understand this so travelled all the way from the far away land they live in on a flying metal tube in recognition of this milestone.  I invited lots of our friends to help celebrate and Mummy made a cake with orange vegetables and nut butter in it.   This is a different kind of butter from the stuff she puts on her crispy bread in the morning.  That’s cow butter and not nearly as tasty.

The cake is really good, but the best part is the cheese from small human kennels that Mummy puts on top of it.  Our humans get it all over their paws while they’re giving the cake to us so we have to clean them off.  Humans are pretty tasty to lick but when they are covered in small human kennel cheese, human licking is a completely different experience.


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