Sunday, April 6, 2014

I Want a Mouse

Last week we went on an adventure.  Daddy strapped boards to the top of his motorized dog carrier and drove it up hills for a long time until we saw white fluffy stuff.  Of course, we had to stop half way to feed Mummy a bun with dead cow and cheese in the middle.  She gets really grumpy when she’s hungry.
There didn’t seem to be much white fluffy stuff when we got there but at least we got rewarded for our patience with a long run on a big field where humans hit little white balls with long sticks when it’s warm outside.  However, we didn’t get deprived of our white romping.  The next day lots of white fluffy stuff fell out of the sky … man, is that stuff fun!
We stayed with our humans in a little kennel with a mouse living in it.  Daddy says he’s called George.  I tried to introduce myself and interest him in a game of chase, but he was really shy and kept hiding under the sofa.  I even tried to stay up at night when he seemed to like roaming around to convince him to be my friend, but all that running in the mountain air is pretty tiring and I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
When our humans weren’t sliding down hills on boards, another human joined us in the motorized dog carrier, holding a pile of papers with pictures on.  We drove to lots of kennels and had to sit quietly while they went inside.  I’ve seen them do this when they go to falling over juice kennels in Sonoma, but they’re usually inside for much longer and mostly we get to join them.  Talisker said he wasn’t really sure, but he’d read on the writing box about something humans do when they’re looking for new kennels called “viewings” and he thought that was what ours were up to.  If that’s what they’re really doing, I think we should have a little input too.  I'm not demanding and have only one request.  I want one with a mouse like George, only less shy and more willing to play chase with me.

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