Monday, April 28, 2014

Low Key Birthdays

It was my Birthday on Saturday.  I’m now 6 human years old.  That’s 42 dog years.  As all of you know, Tobermory and I have always had a party to celebrate our Birthdays.  Mummy makes a cake and our friends come over to share it with us and play a casual game of fetch while their humans occupy themselves, drinking falling over juice and consuming human kibble as its antidote.

I have to admit to being a little disappointed when Mummy said that I wouldn’t be having a party this year but understood the reason.  Our friends, Bailey and Sierra’s Mummy has her Daddy visiting from the land where humans wear green and carry little green plants with four leaves.  He turned 84 human years this weekend and they felt this should be celebrated.   That’s 588 dog years and it definitely cannot be disputed that 588 trumps 42.

Through my studies of human behavior, I have observed that as they get older they celebrate most of their Birthdays in a much lower key manner than they did when they were younger.  I didn’t want ours to feel bad about not holding a party for me, so told them I thought it was time that I followed this pattern of behavior.  We went for dinner at a local human feeding station called Aldo’s owned by a human who comes from a land shaped like a boot.  We always get to test bread there, but when Mummy told them it was my Birthday, they brought out a special dish of grilled chicken for Tobermory and me and all the humans that bring the food took it in turns to come over and give me a special Birthday tickle behind the ears.  Maybe this low key Birthday thing isn’t so bad.


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