Monday, May 12, 2014

How Not to Chase a Goose

Humans are good at lots of things, but there are a few that they really should just leave in the hands of dogs.  One of those is playing fetch and we just discovered that another is bird chasing.

There is a big field near our kennel where there are a lot of big birds called geese.  They are particularly messy which upsets the humans who go there to play when they aren’t out earning dog biscuits.  My dearly departed older brother, Bowmore and I tried once to help persuade them to leave by chasing them which would have been very effective had Mummy not growled at us and made us get back in the motorized dog carrier.

Last week our humans took us with them to see how they chase geese.  We climbed in one of a long line of boxes attached to each other that were pulled by a big black tube with a chimney at the front.  The line of boxes took us around the field in search of geese, and sure enough, there were still lots of them which isn’t very surprising.  A row of boxes pulled by a black tube really isn’t very scary.  Whilst I understand that for humans who are fundamentally lazy, this is a good way of searching for geese while they are sitting down, they will never persuade them to leave if they don’t ask the black tube to stop so they can jump out of their boxes and start chasing.

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