Monday, September 1, 2014

Shaky Ground

I’m sure all of you who follow our adventures have realized by now that our humans are particularly dedicated to their pursuit of good falling over juice.  When they find one, they tell all their friends and get together to buy a lot so that they don’t have to pay as much green stuff as humans who buy it one bottle at a time.

Recently, our humans had to collect a lot of falling over juice from one of our favorite falling over juice kennels in Sonoma, Nicholson Ranch.  There was too much to fit in Daddy’s motorized dog carrier so we borrowed their friend’s with no cover on the trunk.  When we retrieved it, he said to us “don’t go near Napa”.  I didn’t really understand this until we heard on the talking box on the way that there had been shaky ground that morning and the box was telling humans not to go there unless they had to.  Kennels had fallen over and lights and moving picture frames on the wall inside lots of kennels wouldn’t work.  Our humans are very serious about collecting falling over juice and shaky ground wasn’t going to frighten them away.

Supervising the collection of falling over juice is really hard work.  This time, all the humans who got frightened by their talking boxes weren’t out in their motorized dog carriers so we got home really quickly.  The talking on box completely failed to warn us about shaky ground interfering with nap time.

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