Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Anyone for Cake?

We have been very quiet for a while.   Four human years ago, Mummy started to spend more and more time out earning the green stuff that buys us dog biscuits.  She always took her writing box with her which seriously hindered our ability to connect with our extended family of readers.  I am pleased to say that she now has got her priorities straight and is spending more time at our kennel with us and is allowing us access to her writing box again.

A lot has happened since we last wrote.  I have now officially turned over my Head of Security duties to Tobermory.  He’s sometimes a little over enthusiastic, but for the best part does an excellent job.

Tobermory has always been a very thoughtful pup and so when I turned 10 in human years last week, he threw a Birthday/Retirement Party for me.  He had all our best buddies over and Mummy made her famous carrot cake with cottage cheese frosting.  Tobermory tried to use it as a seduction tool for our Great Dane friend Loki, but she wasn’t having any of it.  We of course had plenty of falling over juice on hand to keep the humans occupied with appropriate edible antidotes on hand.

Now I need a retirement project.  In the 3 years that I spent with my dearly departed brother Bowmore, he taught me as much as he could about the care of humans, but in the subsequent seven years, from personal experience, I have learnt a whole lot more that needs to be documented.

I am now writing a guide to young dogs on the care of humans.  Tobermory will be filling in for me on writing our blog while I’m busy, but I will have the time for the occasional post to update you on our view of the world.

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