Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Is there a falling over juice shortage?

Every weekend, Mummy and Daddy take us to a place called Testarossa Winery where they drink falling over juice and eat tree seeds and solid cow juice.  We sit on comfy seats by a box with fire and hang out with Tobermory’s girlfriend, Lady.  Her Mummy gives us chicken treats.

I really like meeting humans and I’ve made good friends with the ones that administer falling over juice.  However, I am a little confused why they all wear muzzles because they seem particularly friendly.  They cuddle me and give me treats too.  However, this weekend they behaved very strangely.

They gave Tobermory and me extra big hugs and ear scritches and told us it was the last time they would see us before I’m big.  I’m concerned they may have run out of falling over juice.  Daddy has a room full of it.  I think he should give some to them so that I don’t have to wait for my hugs and treats until they get more.


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