Last month Mummy went on an adventure on her own for seven whole days and left us alone with Daddy. I didn’t like it. How can we perform our security duties properly if the family unit is not in the same place? Daddy obviously didn’t have enough to do without her around, so I helped him out by only eating breakfast when he spoon-fed it to me to take up a little of his morning time.
I’ve learnt that Mummy travels in a flying metal tube to go
and visit her litter mate and her pack in the land where she was whelped. To my relief I found out that there’s a
pretty tight security detail protecting them, so my concerns for her safety
were unfounded. They all live on a special
horse resort called Martley Hall Stud where very fast horses go for vacations
or to rest and be pampered before and after they have their puppies. I’ve never seen a horse puppy. I checked Mummy’s picture box, and sure enough,
here’s a picture of horse puppies, although Tobermory did correct me … horse puppies
are called foals. I don’t understand why
they have such long, skinny legs. When I
was a puppy, I had short, fat legs
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