Thursday, August 4, 2022

Covid Puppy turned Jazz Hound

When I visited our doctor last year to get the juice that stops me getting sick, she said I’m a classic Covid puppy.  I needed to look it up on Mummy’s writing box to understand what she meant.  I learned that because of the human biting problem that started before I was born that confined them to their kennels and had them wearing muzzles when they were allowed outside, I didn’t get to go on enough adventures to meet other humans and their canine security detail.

Black Labrador standing on wall to view his surroundings

Well, that has now changed.  For the last few weeks, every Wednesday evening we go to a big garden in the middle of our town where lots of humans gather, sitting on folding chairs drinking falling over juice and eating human kibble while listening to a small group standing on a big table in the middle of the garden, one howling and others blowing bent metal pipes that make strangely enjoyable noises.  It’s one of the types of noise that makes some humans get out of their chairs and wiggle which I’ve always found amusing.  I overheard one saying it’s called Jazz.  I guess that means that I’ve turned from a Covid puppy into a Jazz hound.


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