Saturday, June 26, 2010

Take Your Human to Work Day

Yesterday was “take your dog to work day”. I find this a little confusing as Talisker and I work really hard with our humans EVERY day holding down the rugs under their desks and barking at suspicious passers by.  All they seem to do is talk to their talking boxes, play with their writing boxes and dress up to take them for a ride in the motorized dog carriers.  I think we need a “take your human to work day”.  I would be really interested to see if they have the patience to hold down a rug for several hours and the intuition to work out what looks like a threat to the perimeter of our kennel.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Burgundy and Antipasto

Sometimes Mummy and Daddy invite other humans over to test falling over juice.  This weekend they tested a special kind called Burgundy that comes from a place where the humans are known for wearing hats that look like squashed grapes.  They visited there two human years ago and brought lots of it back with them and needed to find out if it still worked.

It’s very important to give humans food as an antidote against falling over juice so Mummy made something called antipasto.  This is food for humans who don’t like spaghetti.  I of course supervised to make sure the correct quantities were administered.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Talisker's Research Project

Talisker has always been curious and likes to find out what things are made of, although there have been times when I have wished he could curb his investigative tendencies.  As a pup he practiced on eight of my beds and my entire prized collection of stuffed ducks.

Recently he took on a new research project.  At the kennel where Mummy gets our food she found a furry object that squeaked in lots of places with a label that read “chew proof”.  Talisker felt we needed to know the meaning of this phrase and like any good researcher, launched into the task with determination.  He extracted one squeak and the white fluffy stuff in the motorized dog carrier on the way home and then took it out to our garden for further dissection.  He has removed all the other squeaks and made a thorough inspection of all the parts but I am sad to say that he has not yet been able to work out the meaning of “chew proof”.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Boiled Humans

Every morning Mummy puts an egg in a pot full of water on the part of the kitchen countertop that gets hot and the water bubbles for a while.  This is how you make a boiled egg. You know when it’s done when the cabinet that gets hot starts to squeak.

In our garden there is a large pot full of water that bubbles.  This pot is for making boiled humans. They usually hold a glass of falling over juice and it is my observation that they appear to be done when the glass is empty.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


We live in a place where there is a good diversity of breeds, both in humans and dogs.  All breeds have a characteristic they are known for.  I have already told you that Daddy’s breed are known for the male humans wearing skirts and squeezing bags of cats.  Some of Mummy’s relatives are a breed that used to wear little round hats with horns and our friend Bailey’s Mummy is a breed known for their love of potatoes and dressing in green.

Talisker and I are from a breed of Canadian fish retrievers.  There are lots of our relatives around here but I am pleased to say that although he has a lot of fish retrieving friends, Talisker has chosen to diversify his pool of playmates.  On Monday he invited Wally and Truman over.  Wally is a Hungarian bird scarer, although the humans in that land are known for eating stew made out of cows so his ancestors can’t have had much work.

Truman’s mother is a fish retriever and she’s a little cagey about his father, but rumor has it that he’s an African lion chaser.  However, I have decided that he obviously takes after his mother as he’s not very good at getting the upper paw over a fish retriever and a bird scarer.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...