Monday, June 14, 2010

Talisker's Research Project

Talisker has always been curious and likes to find out what things are made of, although there have been times when I have wished he could curb his investigative tendencies.  As a pup he practiced on eight of my beds and my entire prized collection of stuffed ducks.

Recently he took on a new research project.  At the kennel where Mummy gets our food she found a furry object that squeaked in lots of places with a label that read “chew proof”.  Talisker felt we needed to know the meaning of this phrase and like any good researcher, launched into the task with determination.  He extracted one squeak and the white fluffy stuff in the motorized dog carrier on the way home and then took it out to our garden for further dissection.  He has removed all the other squeaks and made a thorough inspection of all the parts but I am sad to say that he has not yet been able to work out the meaning of “chew proof”.

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