Sunday, August 29, 2010

Humans' seasonal ability to play fetch

I have observed that humans’ ability to play fetch changes with the seasons.  When we have our winter coats they catch the ball and run away with it, but now that we have our summer coats they appear to be getting closer to playing the game correctly, however they still have a lot to learn.  Instead of bringing the ball back to the human that threw it, they throw it to another human so it takes a lot longer to get back to the chief thrower.

At this point I would like to point out that in my many years of taking care of humans, it is my experience that there is always one who just doesn’t play fair.  I feel quite sorry for all the humans who are concentrating hard on catching the ball because there is always one who stands in front of them with a big stick and tries to knock it away from them and then runs away so he can’t get caught.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feisty Sofas

Our humans are not at our kennel this week so since Talisker’s security duties are reduced and he has some free time his friend, Piccolo has come to stay with his human.  Despite his short stature he can hold his own in a game of chase but when it comes to the art of sofa restraint, the ones in our kennel are particularly large and feisty so he needs a little help.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Catching my best side

Last week I kept the old dude company when he went to visit our doctor (he’s always got something wrong with him).  Daddy told him about my sore leg and he wanted to take some pictures of it.  He obviously doesn’t walk around with a picture box like Mummy because the next day we had to get up really early to go back to see him before Mummy and I could have breakfast.  All she had before we left our kennel was the brown water she drinks every morning which is not good as she growls a lot when she hasn’t had the hot bread she eats with it.

Our doctor didn’t like the picture of my leg which I completely understand because it looked very strange.  I don’t want to boast, but I like to think of myself as photogenic, but he gave me sleeping juice so it’s not surprising he couldn’t get my best side when I was too sleepy to pose properly.

Yesterday I visited a special doctor who obviously has a different taste in pictures as he spent a long time looking at it and was really excited.  I tried to understand what he was telling Mummy (he was using a lot of big words I haven’t heard before) and I think he said he likes fixing sore legs and he’s going to use this picture to fix mine.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blue Teeth

A few days ago, Mummy bought a new talking box.  She always likes getting new toys so you’d think she would have come home happy but instead she was growling quietly to herself.  Daddy says this is because the kennel it came from provides a community service by employing humans who are not able to earn a lot of dog biscuits, and Talisker and I know more about talking boxes than they do.

Having always been inquisitive, I got on the writing box to see if I could work out why Mummy went to a talking box kennel that made her growl and I think I have worked it out.  They sell talking boxes with blue teeth and I think she just wanted to get one that matched my claws.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...