Friday, February 25, 2011

The Great Bag Escape

We have been working very hard on cheering Daddy up but the trips are getting a little exhausting.  We went away again last weekend to Sonoma and when our humans visit falling over juice kennels, we are expected to entertain the other visiting humans too.  I don’t think our humans understand that we need our full 20 hours of sleep each day .

Thankfully, a trip to Sun Valley, Idaho for them to slide down white slippy stuff came up, and I can tell you it’s not a moment too soon.  They get there on a flying metal tube and as you all know from my earlier posts, I don’t frequent that form of travel due to their discriminatory attitude of making dogs travel 3rd class.

I have communicated with Mummy briefly since their departure.  They appear to be having a wonderful time, however she has a very
disobedient suitcase.  It decided to go to Hawaii instead of Sun Valley but luckily the suitcase police caught it just as it was heading to the beach and sent it back to do its job and bring Mummy all her clothes.  However, despite being told to rush it appeared to have snuck an extra 2 days in the sun.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Raising Spirits

Daddy came home last week.  He has been away for a while in the land he came from.  His Daddy has gone to join my older brother, Cider in the place where nothing hurts and the rabbits are really fat and slow.  I’m sure Cider is enjoying the company, but Daddy and his pack all miss him and are very sad.

An adventure was obviously what Daddy needed to raise his spirits so we put him in the motorized dog carrier, Mummy took charge of the controls and we drove for many hours in a very straight line until we came to some hills, the other side of which was the big lake called the Pacific Ocean.

We spent the weekend at a special kennel with a really quite superb in-room doggy dining menu, but at my age I always like to bring my own.  I just can’t handle the rich sauces.

I think we did a pretty good job of trying to make Daddy feel better.  Some of our humans’ friends came to drink falling over juice with him, and I took him for a long stroll by the water.  I used to enjoy this when I was young, but the sandy stuff makes my old paws sore now.  The motorized dog carrier obviously felt the same way after the long drive, because it started to limp really badly on the way home and we had to stop to put a new paw cover on it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Being Properly Dressed

Last week we visited my breathing bag doctor to check the zipper in my neck.  He said it wasn’t closed properly so he couldn’t take out the stitches that keep it there.

Mummy had leg covers with a zipper that wouldn’t close properly so she took them to a lady who put one in that worked.  I was going to suggest that Mummy give my breathing bag doctor the zipper lady's talking box number so he could find out what kind of zipper she used, but when I went to visit my doctor this week, he said it was working now.  I guess neck zippers take longer than leg cover zippers to learn how to do their job.

I am delighted that now the stitches are out of my zipper I can wear my collar again.  It’s been quite humiliating for an old gentleman like me to go out in public for the last few weeks without being properly dressed.  How do you think humans would feel if they were told to walk around without leg covers?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Job Security

In the kitchen of our kennel we have a food bowl washing box. It’s not very efficient so we like to lick our bowls thoroughly to make sure there’s no food left on them.  Humans have short tongues so one of the more important tasks included in their care is licking left overs off their food bowls for them.

A very disturbing event took place this week.  A human came to take away our food bowl washing box and replaced it with a shiny new one.  Mummy is really happy because she says it’s way more efficient than the old one.  Bowmore has always told me that we are indispensible due to our food bowl cleaning skills, but if this new washing box is really as good as Mummy thinks, it could be a serious threat to our job security.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...