Thursday, February 10, 2011

Being Properly Dressed

Last week we visited my breathing bag doctor to check the zipper in my neck.  He said it wasn’t closed properly so he couldn’t take out the stitches that keep it there.

Mummy had leg covers with a zipper that wouldn’t close properly so she took them to a lady who put one in that worked.  I was going to suggest that Mummy give my breathing bag doctor the zipper lady's talking box number so he could find out what kind of zipper she used, but when I went to visit my doctor this week, he said it was working now.  I guess neck zippers take longer than leg cover zippers to learn how to do their job.

I am delighted that now the stitches are out of my zipper I can wear my collar again.  It’s been quite humiliating for an old gentleman like me to go out in public for the last few weeks without being properly dressed.  How do you think humans would feel if they were told to walk around without leg covers?

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